
Thursday, 23 October 2014

Funny but true Fraudster Fakes Being In Coma For Two Years To Avoid Court

Coma: Alan Knight pretended that he was a quadriplegic and tried to evade justice by admitting himself to hospital
MEn this is Hillarious
can you imagine-----
Alan Knight was arrested in 2012 for the alleged theft but delayed going to court for two years. He claimed to be a quadriplegic having no movement from the neck down.

Coma: Helen Knight, 33, claimed she had to look after her husband at their Swansea home  

All this time he was living on benefits and “systematically” funneled huge amounts of money out of the elderly neighbour’s bank account which he used to pay for holidays and shopping.
Knight and his wife even attempted to prove Knight’s medical condition by photographing themselves in their home with Knight appearing to be in a coma – unconscious and surrounded by medical equipment.
Police officers tried to bring him court but each time he admitted himself to hospital claiming his condition had deteriorated. Once, doctors spotted him eating, wiping his face and even writing in his hospital room.

Knight appearing to be unconscious and surrounded by medical equipment

And This is how they got busted Game Over
Coma: Knight together with his wife was caught on CCTV camera making shopping in a local supermarket

Faced with the video evidence, he pleaded guilty to 19 counts of forgery, fraud and theft. He was warned he faced a jail sentence next month.

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